Katrina McPherson
Katrina is an award-winning artist, performer, scholar, curator, and educationalist whose research and practice has contributed to the evolution of screendance for more than 30 years. Since the 1990s, Katrina has been awarded commissions and received public and private funding to make work, including single screen film and video, installation, live dance performance and interactive on-line productions.
The themes of Katrina’s work include: perceptions of memory, investigated through screen-based and live somatic expression; the embodied/empathetic camera in relation to the empowered performer; an exploration of archival practices and the use of scores, improvisation and manifestos in screendance and live performance-making. Katrina’s highly collaborative approach as an artist and director remains at the cutting edge of concepts and technology and yet of great interest to the wider public.
Katrina is an experienced lecturer and workshop leader and has taught extensively worldwide. Katrina is currently Course Leader of the MA Screendance programme at London Contemporary Dance School where she is also a Research Fellow. Katrina was Associate Professor of Screendance in the Department of Dance at the University of Utah, USA; Visiting Lecturer in Screendance on the post-graduate dance course at Bath Spa University, England, and on the BA and MA courses in Dance Performance at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Katrina leads the annual Screendance in the Landscape workshops on Easdale Island, Scotland and is a much sought after men. For more information about Katrina’s workshops and mentoring packages, please visit her education website makingvideodance.com.
Katrina is a published writer and the sole author of Making Video Dance, a step-by-step guide to creating dance for the screen, which was published by Routledge in 2006, with a 2nd edition released in 2019. The 3rd edition is underway. Making Video Dance remains the only workbook for screendance and is used as a core text for courses at universities & colleges worldwide. For more information about the book, and to order a copy, please visit makingvideodance.com.